The belligerently infrequent - and utterly elite - Arsenal fanzine, Poison Lasagna, is set to return for Issue 3. Having made its debut in December 2018, it allowed the anticipation to rise to boiling point before dropping Issue 2 in September 2020, and has continued this a-bit-less-than-two-years-between-issues rhythm by announcing a launch party for Issue 3 on July 7, 2022.
Produced by Eighteen86 under the mighty editorship of Ed Fenwick, every new issue of Poison Lasagna feels like an event. The production values are deluxe and the content eschews match reports and the latest news in favour of feature articles that dive deep into Arsenal supporter culture and the identity of the club.
As yet, there is no confirmed news about when and how Issue 3 will be available to purchase.
