With the third issue of this irregularly published Arsenal fanzine, the team at Eighteen86 have further built its reputation for sumptuously stylish production. This bumper issue weighs in at nearly 150 pages, and boasts a broad diversity of content. There are features on the Super League debacle, vintage Arsenal merchandise, Bukayo Saka and Lotte Wubben-Moy. Alongside the long-reads, there are curated collections of Arsenal art and photo essays that document Arsenal supporter culture. This is a meticulously composed, compiled and designed love letter to the club and what it means to us.
Take a bow, Eighteen86 (@eighteen_86) and editor Ed Fenwick (@eddfenwick).
Poison Lasagna Issue 3 is immense.

COVER: Art by Daryl Rainbow
Having made its debut in December 2018, anticipation rose to boiling point before Issue 2 dropped Issue 2 in September 2020. Eighteen86 continued this a-bit-less-than-two-years-between-issues rhythm by releasing Issue 3 on July 7, 2022.
Issue 3 is available to purchase from the Eighteen86 website.