My Arsenal collection is my hobby and I fully embrace the notion that I should pay to enjoy my hobby. I pay for all the books and fanzines I acquire. I never approach authors or publishers for free copies of books or fanzines. I hugely appreciate the tremendous efforts of book authors and editors of fanzines, and am always happy to pay the asking price for top Arsenal writing.
Inevitably, the design, hosting and domain for this website are additional expenses that ran into hundreds of pounds before launch, and continue to mount up every month. The website's contents - from the lists of books and fanzines to the news updates and in-depth features - is, and will continue to be, free to access.
However, if you wish to join me - and other Arsenal supporters - in providing unique and (hopefully) helpful reference guides to Arsenal books and fanzines, and celebrating the distinctive contributions of books and fanzines to Arsenal supporter culture, there's a way you can help to cover the costs of keeping this website online - and it costs you (almost) as little money as you wish.

I am committed to ensure that the costs of keeping the website online are covered. I expect that the assistance received from advertisements and the support of Assistant Librarians will not fully cover these costs.
If ever they do, the website will remain non-profit, by using any surplus to pay authors for their assistance in the preparation of features that showcase their work
If you wish to contribute to the costs of the website out of your own pocket, you can do so via Buy Me A Coffee. You can make a one-off gift or become an Assistant Librarian by making regular payments of £10 per year (or, if your prefer, £1 per month).
PLEASE NOTE: The funds received will, of course, not be spent on oat milk lattes. I will receive money, not coffee shop vouchers. All monies received will be used to cover the costs of keeping this website online.